Program List

The number of (the)data : 8
  • Comedy
  • Romance

  • Comedy
  • Romance

Ossan's Love Returns


Haruta and Maki, now newlyweds, begin cohabiting. However, they find themselves entangled in arguments over trivial matters like household chores. Opting for professional assistance with their domestic tasks, they coincidentally have Kurosawa, their former boss who retired early, sent to their home as a housekeeper. This sparks a renewed romantic rivalry between Maki and Kurosawa.

  • Family
  • Art
  • Romance
  • School
  • On-off drama

  • Family
  • Art
  • Romance
  • School
  • On-off drama

Skelton Flowers かそけきサンカヨウ

High school student, Yo (Sara Shida), lived with her father, Nao (Arata Iura), after her mother, Sachiyo (Hikari Ishida), left the family when she was very young.
However, their life together came to an end and they started a new life as a family of four with her father's second marriage partner, Miko (Akiko Kikuchi), and her stepdaughter, four-year-old Hinata.
She confides in Riku (Oji Suzuka), who belongs to the same art club as Yo, about her confusion about this new life. Yo, who has been developing curiosity for her biological mother, Sachiyo, promises to go with Riku to Sachiyo's art exhibition.

  • Suspense
  • Romance
  • Suspense
  • Romance



Leading female industrialist, Rio, has been named a key person of interest in a serial murder case investigated by Detective Daiki. The two were once in love with each other in their youth. Rio’s legal advisor, Kenichiro, will do anything for her. Caught in a love triangle and a criminal investigation, Rio and Daiki’s “forbidden” romance seems doomed by a missing person incident 15 years ago and its possible links to a current serial murder case. Is Rio complicit? What would you do to protect those who are most beloved to you, be it a first crush, a sibling, a parent, a child, or a lifelong friend? This suspenseful romance evokes the uncompromising passion, struggle and redemption of true love.

연속 살인사건의 중요 참고인이 된 사업가 사나다 리오와 그녀를 쫓는 형사 미야자키 다이키. 두 사람은 예전 서로 사랑하던 사이였다.
그리고, 현재 리오를 지키는 민완 변호사 가세 켄이치로.
세 사람이 복잡하게 얽히면서 봉인되어 있던 15년 전의 사건이 움직이기 시작한다.
용서받을 수 없는 금단의 사랑, 가로막힌 수많은 벽, 그리고 15년 전의 실종사건이 현재의 연속 살인사건으로 이어져간다. 리오는 살인사건의 범인일까?
첫사랑, 가족, 곁에서 지켜보는 사람… 저마다“가장 사랑하는 사람”을 위해 행동을 일으킨다.
등장인물들이 함께 사랑하는 모습을 때로는 안타깝게 때로는 따뜻하게 그린 서스펜스 러브스토리.


  • Family
  • Human
  • Nature
  • Medical/Health
  • Family
  • Human
  • Nature
  • Medical/Health

NIZI Village Clinic


Doctors are also human. That's why they can face life and death.

Full of dream and pride, Masora was working in the emergency department of a large hospital in Tokyo, when one day she is diagnosed with a complicated disease. Even though she is a doctor, she has no savings and wants to continue working...
Masora is hired as a physician in a small village clinic deep in the mountains, hiding her illness. What awaits her in "Niji-no-mura" (Rainbow Village) is a life in a shared house with two wildly strange men, who are a surgeon and a nurse!
She meets villagers with rich personalities, and while spending time laughing, crying, and sometimes fighting, she works with passion and grows as a person.

  • Thriller
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

  • Thriller
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

Stolen Identity 2

스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데:붙잡힌 살인귀

In the first movie, Stolen Identity, the loss of a smartphone by a lover leads to the horror of a heroine’s life being targeted, followed by the exposure of a hidden past for a double mystery that resonated deeply with the smartphone generation. Depicting an ever-present danger that could befall anyone in contemporary society, the movie depicts the potential horrors of our social media age where a small detail in our networked society can potentially wreak havoc with people’s daily lives. This sequel ups the ante over its predecessor in scale as it sets the police on a massive cybercriminal hunt.StoryIt’s been several months since the police closed the case on a serial killer who preyed on women with long jet black hair. But then a new unidentified body is discovered at the same crime scene. Police detective Manabu Kagaya hurries to interrogate Yoshiharu Urano, a serial murderer whom he had caught. “Did you do it?” he queries. But the imprisoned Urano will only reveal the existence of a “M”, a dark web mystery man whom he refers to as his master. Meanwhile, Kagaya’s lover, Minori, is being targeted by a mystery man, and Kagaya must make a tough decision to recruit Urano’s assistance.

전작 『스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데』 는 애인이 떨어뜨린 스마트폰을 계기로 머지않아 목숨이 위태로워진 여주인공의 공포와 숨겨진 과거가 파헤쳐진다는 몇 가지 의문이 겹쳐진 미스터리 작품으로 「스마트폰 세대」 를 중심으로 많은 공감을 불러일으켰다. “누구에게나 일어날 만한 가까이에 있는 공포”를 그려 바로 SNS시대를 대표하는 한편의 영화가 되었다. 사소한 일로 일상이 무너져가는 인터넷 사회의 공포와 함께 속편에서는 경찰 조직과 연루된 사이버범죄가 전작 이상의 스케일로 그려진다.줄거리검은 긴 머리 여성만을 노린 연속 살인사건이 막을 내린 후 몇 개월이 지났다. 같은 사건 현장에서 새로운 신원불명의 사체가 발견된다. 사건을 수사하기 위해 형사 가가야는 예전 자신이 체포한 연속 살인마 우라노를 찾아 형무소를 찾아간다. 「네가 죽였어…?」 라고 묻는 가가야에게 우라노가 밝힌 것은 자신이 스승으로 받든다는 「M」 이라는 다크 웹상에 존재하는 수수께끼 인물의 존재였다. 한편 같을 무렵, 가가야의 애인 미노리를 노리는 수수께끼의 남자가 나타난다. 가가야는 고심 끝에 우라노에게 사건의 수사 협력을 의뢰하기로 결심하게 되는데…


  • Mystery
  • Mystery

Nippon Noir


I suddenly wake up in the middle of a forest. Next to me is the corpse of a female detective. In my hand is a gun. For some reason, the last several months are erased from my memory. Did I kill this woman, or was I set up? I have no clue, and I don't even know where to begin.

Is the Metropolitan Police Department's First Criminal Investigation Division the suspect, or is it me?! The evidence is destroyed, the investigation is fabricated, and I am being suspected by my fellow detectives. Almost overnight, they went from being colleagues to enemies. The only person on my side is the young son of the dead female detective. Her murder eventually uncovers the truth behind the unsolved "Ten Million Dollar Robbery."

Who is the killer? Who stole the $10 million? The doubts, lies, suspicion, and betrayal are unstoppable as one detective launches an evil mutiny in this unconventional police mystery drama where nothing goes as you predicted.

  • Mystery
  • Science
  • Mystery
  • Science



A story-a-week episodic medical mystery that treats the theme of reality changing when faced with imminent death. Mystery and exhilarating human drama unfold against the backdrop of the “unnatural death institute”, or “UDI”. For example, the body of a young man is brought into the UDI lab one day; his cause of death attributed to ischemic heart disease in which blood fails to be conveyed to the heart. But the victim’s parents are puzzled by the freak nature of their son’s death and turn to medical coroner Mikoto, to find out why. Together with her lab technician partner, Yuko Shoji, and rookie medical recorder, Rokuro, they examine the body for a possible drug poisoning, and then learn that another female colleague of the deceased man has just died suddenly.

1회 완결의 법의학미스테리. 「죽음과 마주하여 현실 세계를 바꿔간다」가 테마이다. 부자연사 규명 연구소 통칭“UDI랩”을 무대로 스릴있는 해명과 통쾌한 인간드라마가 전개되어 간다. UDI랩에 한명의 남성사체가 운반되어 온다. 사인은 심근에 혈액이 운반되지 않는 것으로 일어나는 허혈성 심질환. 건강했던 아들의 돌연사를 납득할 수 없었던 부모의 의뢰로 주인공 법의학자 미코토가 해부를 맡는다. 임상검사기사 쇼지와 신참기록원 로쿠로. 시신의 상태에서 약물중독에 의한 사망 가능성이 부상하고 검사가 진행된다. 바로 그때 남성의 직장동료였던 여성도 돌연사했음을 알게 된다.


  • Romance

  • Romance



At 29, Toru has already achieved fame and fortune as the star CEO of an IT company. Despite his many character flows, he has always enjoyed success with his business. Chihiro on the other hand, is a hardworking but clumsy student that just can't seem to land a job. But one day, Chihiro catches Toru's attention as she shares the same name as his mother, who abandoned the billionaire when he was just a boy.